Working on the new Tier System. Classes might show up weird/wrong.

OC Stories / Comics / Fanart

Created by AkhilPDX, 4 y 5 mo 8 d ago.

This is a public forum which you can use if you have any cool respect threads, stories, comics, or even fanart about your OCs. If you want feedback, you can ask someone else here, or if you want to post cosmological stuff, this is the place :)


DannyGurney 2 mo 4 d
OC Stories / Comics / Fanart
4 months member
Is anyone working on anything interesting atm like their own universe? I saw some pretty cool OCs would be sweet If this site start pulling together to do something with them
Alien_X 1 y 3 mo 14 d
OC Stories / Comics / Fanart
49 months member
Is this place still alive?
mephisto 1 y 7 mo 4 d
OC Stories / Comics / Fanart
19 months member
Interesting topic. the history of my OCs will be in process soon.