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Black Power Ring

Black Power Ring

Lantern Ring

History of Black Power Ring

Black Lantern Power Rings were weapons wielded by the undead ranks of the Black Lantern Corps and by the powerful cosmic entity known as Nekron, Lord of The Unliving. These Black Power Rings were formed to be unleashed in the prophecy event known as The Blackest Night which stated that "The Dead Will Rise" with all the enemies of the Guardians of the Universe rising up to destroy them and their Green Lantern Corps. Following the Sinestro Corps War, Nekron began to work in the shadows to bring about the fulfillment of the Blackest Night Prophecy. His first act was the imprisonment of the Anti-Monitor on Ryut in Space Sector 0666 and forming him into the Black Lantern Central Power Battery from which the Black Power Rings would emerge. He also had the corrupted Oan Scar work subtly in bringing about his plans.

Black Power Ring is also known as; Lantern Ring