Black Panther

Black Panther


Avengers: Tech-On

Black Panther's weapons

No equipment information available.

Black Panther's equipment

    I.M.S. Armor - Black Panther wears a suit designed for him by Tony Stark (with assistance from Spider-Man) that utilizes I.M.S. energy as an energy source. Shuri also added modifications to the suit when T'Challa returned to Wakanda to protect the nation from one of Red Skull's attacks.
  • Weaponry - Black Panther's suit utilizes its energized claws on the hands and feet for melee combat and appears to lack any kind of ranged weaponry.
  • Strength - The I.M.S. suit is at least comparable to his standard Iron Man suit and is likely far stronger.
  • Speed - Operating under standard conditions, the suit can reach a flight speed of about 3400 m/s (the suit flew from Tokyo to Osaka in just under 2.5 minutes). This speed can be increased further, although it starts to drain power too quickly when this is done.
  • Durability - Due to the power of the I.M.S. energy, the suit is much more durable than any standard Iron Man armor and can even absorb energy blasts and neutralize the effects of the Reality Gem on the wearer.
  • Do Hatsu-10 Mode - By inserting a pure I.M.S. coin into the suit, Black Panther can enter into an enhanced combat state for 10 minutes max (pushing the suit beyond this would result in an overload and self destruction). This ability has gone unused and it is unknown if his suit has any other specialized functions in this mode.
  • Vibranium I.M.S. Cascade - Added to the suit's capabilities by Shuri, T'Challa's suit can charge up and concentrate its I.M.S. energy and release it in a massive explosion around it. This attack was powerful enough to wipe out dozens of Ultron-I units that had almost overwhelmed the other Iron Avengers.
No equipment or weapons connected to Black Panther