Working on the new Tier System. Classes might show up weird/wrong.


Star Ratings set by Ahasan

Ahasan has rated 119 profiles and pages. With an average of 9.4 stars.

Rating Profile / Page
Cosmic Armor Superman - vs - Cosmic King Thor
Thor (Merged With Eternity)Thor OdinsonEarth-616
Strange Visitor Superman - vs - Necro Thor (Fused with god bomb)
Hercules (God of Gods) - vs - Old King Phoenix Thor (Earth-14412)
Starbrand - vs - White Lantern
Who is your Girlfriend
Superman (Sun-Dipped) - vs - Iceman (Full Potential)
Storm - vs - Starfire
Caster (Nasuverse) - vs - Saber (Attila) (Nasuverse)
Elder Gods (MK) - vs - Saber (Attila) (Nasuverse)
Thor (Phoenix Fire)Thor OdinsonEarth-616
Enchantress - vs - Enchantress (Rebirth)
Composite Superman - vs - Compound Hulk
Scathan - vs - Dr Manhattan (Connective Energy) (Rebirth)
Necro King Thor - vs - Necro Thor (Fused with god bomb)
Old King Thor (Earth-14412) - vs - Black Panther (Herald of Eternity)
Dr Manhattan (Connective Energy) (Rebirth) - vs - Black Winter
Captain Atom - vs - Vulcan
Flash (Rebirth) - vs - Quicksilver (Possessed By Chthon)
Android 17 (DB) & Android 18 (DB) - vs - Gamma 2 (DB) & Gamma 1 (DB)
Gohan (Beast)Son GohanDB
Thanos (Infinity Gauntlet) - vs - All-Father Thor
Orion - vs - Thane
Scarlet Witch (Earth-58163) - vs - Old King Thor (Earth-14412)
Desaad - vs - Ebony Maw
Martian Manhunter (Rebirth) - vs - Storm (Worthy)
Loki - vs - Thor (Unworthy)
Wonder Woman - vs - Power Princess (Earth-TRN852)
Black Priest - vs - Aspirant
Overvoid - vs - Dreaming Celestial
Goblin Force (Earth-1298) - vs - The Cosmic Raptor
Professor X - vs - Chief
Superman Prime (One Million) - vs - Sentry (Stable)
Apollo - vs - Apollo
Skaar - vs - Magni
Death Of The Endless - vs - Death Of Death
KangAnthony StarkEarth-TRN1072
Destroyer (Possessed by Thor)Thor OdinsonEarth-616
Dr Manhattan (Watchmen) - vs - Cosmic Korvac